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Apollo - Apollo Max

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The Apollo Terminal

The Apollo and ApolloMax are PIN Entry Devices (PED) for payment processing in unattended environments. The terminals have the ability to provide contact, contactless and magstripe transactions.

The terminal supports the following main features:
  • TFT LCD with capacitive touch
  • Chip Card Reader
  • Contactless Reader
  • Magnetic Stripe Reader
  • Ethernet
  • USB
  • Wifi, Blue Tooth
  • MDB
  • Optional 4G Modem
Package Contents
  • 1. Cover Plate
  • 2. Terminal
  • 3. Terminal Rubber Gasket
  • 4. Rear Rubber Gasket
  • 5. Mounting Frame
  • 6. M4Screws, and bolts set
Supported Card Schemes
Visa logo
Mastercard logo
Maestro logo
Apple Pay logo
Google Pay logo
Samsung Pay logo
Discover logo
Diners Club logo
Apollo Terminal
1 LEDs (4)Multicolor status LEDs
2 Camera and Locator lightEnabling QR-Code reading
3 Proximity sensor
4 WiFi & Bluetooth Module
5 3,5 Inch touch screen
6 Speaker
Apollo Max Terminal
1 LEDs (4)Multicolor status LEDs
2 Camera and Locator lightEnabling QR-Code reading
3 Proximity sensor
4 Chip Card Reader
5 WiFi & Bluetooth Module
6 Magnetic Stripe Reader
7 3,5 Inch touch screen
8 Speaker
1 USB-C PortHost and Slave Connector
2 Micro Fit MDB ConnectorPort to connect with the internet through the LAN
3 4G / GPS ModemModem with GPS functionality (optional)
4 RJ 45 LAN ConnectorPort for USB-C cable to interface with the terminal from the host machine
5 Antenna ConnectorsMMCX Connector for 4G Antenna
6 GSSN ConnectorConnector for GSSN (GPS) Antenna
Contactless Card Reader

The Apollo and ApolloMax have a contactless reader that supports all contactless EMV cards including ApplePay, Google Pay, ISO14443 Type A & B (T=CL), Mifare Classic, Desfire cards as well as the ISO18092: NFC Protocol.

Cards and phones are best read when positioned over the center of the contactless icon.

Power Connection
  • Provided 220V power supply
  • MDB or similar bus

Please find below the specification for connecting the terminal:

NumberItem DescriptionOtyOrderCodeManufacturer
1 Micro-Fit 3.0 Receptacle Housing, Single Row, 5 Circuits143645-0500Molex
2 Micro-Fit 3.0 Crimp Terminal Female 20-24AWG243030-0038Molex
Dimensions Power Supply

The following accessories are available for integration and connection.

Fresh Brew Unit

MDB / Power Cable

Fresh Brew Unit

Stick on GSM Antenna

Fresh Brew Unit

LAN Cable 10 meter

Fresh Brew Unit

Molex Adapter Cable

Fresh Brew Unit

MMCX to SMA Adapter

Dimensions Antenna

Only use cables and mounting materials provided with the terminal, proper function of the terminals is not guaranteed when 3rd party accessories are used with the exception of the LAN cable.

  • Always place the rubber gasket provided with the terminals
  • Do not install the ApolloMax in a position where it is exposed to direct rain or hostile weather
  • To avoid reflections and guarantee readability, do not expose the display to direct sunlight

When supporting pin entry:

  • For the security of the card-holder, make sure that PIN privacy is guaranteed
  • Locating the display outside the field of vision of cameras, mirrors and so on, and away from stairs
  • Check all local regulations and requirements for PIN privacy

An offset of 5 mm along the sides and rear of the terminal will provide enough distance. If you have any questions with regards to the mechanical integration, please contact the Payter support desk.

Placing the Antenna
  • Place antenna externally for better signal strength. (Recommended)
  • If signal strength is strong inside the machine (2+ bars) internal installation could be considered.
  • Make sure the antenna is not completely surrounded by metal or mounted on metal. (reception loss)
  • Use caution when fastening the external antenna cable to MMCX connector on the terminal, too much force can damage the connection.

An offset of 5 mm along the sides and rear of the terminal will provide enough distance. If you have any questions with regards to the mechanical integration, please contact the Payter support desk.

Things to consider:

  • Radio waves move in a straight line between our antenna and the antenna on the cell tower
  • They do not go around obstacles, they go through them if they can
  • Glass and wood are no problem but steel and concrete pose a real challenge
  • Consider heating ducts, plumbing and other such obstacles