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Images & Configuration of Paylando Vending Machine

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Navigation Panel
Where to find files in Paylando Vending Machine
To find the files, you must open System Settings
Then select ES Browser
The directory where all the images are located is called ‘Tcn Folder’


The background is located in Tcn Folder and the directory ‘ImageBackground’

The background is an image that should be in one of the formats below:

  • ◆ Half screen vertical background should have the format width: 1080 and height: 1212
  • ◆ Full screen vertical background should have the format width: 1080 and height: 1820
  • ◆ Horizontal background should have the format width: 1920 and height: 980

File extensions can be:

  • ◆ .jpg
  • ◆ .jpeg
  • ◆ .png
Product Images

Images for product should have the format width: 420 and height: 420. The images are located in the catalog ‘ImageGoods’

There are 2 possibilities for images. Either the background is transparent and then the product is visible without a frame and “floats” above the background. (Recommended)

Alternatively, each product image is created so that it has a background and possibly a frame. Then the product image can be created to look like a button with the product as an icon on the button.

Images extensions can be:

  • ◆ .jpg
  • ◆ .jpeg
  • ◆ .png

(Gray color is transparent and the background is shown through the product image)

Help How to Pay

Image for Help How to Pay is located in the catalog ‘ImageHelp’

  • ◆ Half screen vertical help format should be width: 1060 and height: 1080
  • ◆ Full screen vertical help format should be width: 1060 and height: 1690
  • ◆ Horizontal screen help format should be width: 1820 and height: 850

Images extensions can be:

  • ◆ .jpg
  • ◆ .jpeg
  • ◆ .png
  • ◆ .gif

The image is adjusted to screen format, but it is stretched and becomes skewed if the wrong format is selected.

The Help image is smaller than the entire screen so there is a frame around the help image.

Video and Images for Advertising

The catalog Video and Image Ad contains images and videos for advertising.

Format should be width: 1080 and height: 608

Film and images are displayed at the top of the screen if half screen is selected to show products.

File extensions can be:

  • ◆ .mp4
  • ◆ .mkv
  • ◆ .avi
  • ◆ .wmv
  • ◆ .flv
  • ◆ .jpg
  • ◆ .jpeg
  • ◆ .png
Configuration of the Purchase Page

There are so many combinations that it is impossible to show all combinations. One setting affects the appearance of how products are displayed.

Price Unit

This should be kr

Price Decimal Point

This should be 2. Setting the decimal point to zero to only show whole numbers does not work. There will be 2 decimal places anyway.

Price Unit

This should be kr

Language Settings

Should be Chinese, English, and French. (A Swedish translation is being completed 2024-11-05)

Fault Count

Set this to 9 which makes Unlock machine.

It makes that the machine does not turn off for purchase if error occurs.

This setting completely disconnects the fault shutdown function.

Unit for Temperature

This should be Centigrades

Shopping Cart

Does not work.

Development takes place 2024-11-05

Display Code

This function makes it possible to have a single product code and the same product in many places. The machine has the function to choose on of the different product placements. Advanced function that requires careful handling of products and product codes.

Recommended only for advanced users.

Full Screen

This function provides full screen or the ability to display advertisements at the top part of the screen.

Full Screen

Half Screen

Half Screen (Half screen with video/slideshow)

Custom Page

This feature prevents the products from bouncing back and forth. Arrows are then displayed as the user selects the page. A little more intuitive to select the page. The user can swipe the screen to change pages or select the left/right arrow.