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Application to Elavon


Elavon processes payments made in your payment terminals. Every 1-2 days, Elavon sends money to your company's bank account. To be approved as a customer of Elavon, they need certain documents. Registration usually takes about 14 days.

Customers pay at payment terminals
Elavon handles payment from Mastercard, Visa etc
The money is deposited into your company's bank account every bank day after the transaction fee is deducted

Step 1

We need:

Details of how the card terminal will be used

  • Point of Sale Name:
    State the name of the location where the terminals will be used.
  • Location:
    Specify where the payment terminals are located. If the location changes then write e.g.: “ambulatory vending machines”.
  • Business Description:
    Describe what you will be charging for using the card terminals. For vending machines, a typical answer could be: “Payment of goods in vending machines.”

Company Information

  • Annual Turnover:
    Provide either the total revenue your company earned last year or an estimate of what you expect to earn this year.
  • Credit Card Turnover:
    The estimated total yearly revenue you plan on making on the card terminals.
  • Average Transaction Value:
    Mention the average price of a single product you sell.

Step 2

Bank account to receive your money

Paylando's recommendation is that you create a new account with the bank you normally use for your company. Name the account something like Elavon and then your companyName, for example "Elavon Paylando AB".

We need a screenshot of all account details. (Check how to take screenshots)

Screenshot must include:

  • The web address in the internet bank
  • Clearing number
  • Account number
  • Company name (matching account number, IBAN and BIC)

Take multiple screenshots if that's the only way to get all the information. It must be clear that the bank account belongs to your company.


OR You can order an account statement from your bank

For Swedbank, find how to order evidence of account

Step 3

Certificate of registration from the Swedish Companies Registration Office

1Press "Mina företag och föreningar"
2Click on "Till inloggning"
3Log in using Bank ID or a similar method
4After you are logged in, click on your company name. A screen like this will appear.
5Now click "Företagets uppgifter"
6Select "Företagets dokument och bevis"
7Click on "Registreringsbevis (Skatteverket)"
8A pdf should be downloaded. The document will look something like this:
9In the document we are looking for "Firmateckning". Firmateckning means who is allowed to enter contracts for the company.

In the example below, the signature of one authorised signatory is sufficient. Check your company's situation and make sure you get signatures and IDs from enough signatories.


For each authorised signatory we need:

  • Social security number
  • Full name
  • Full address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • ID document

Acceptable ID documents are those that work at a bank:

  • Driving license (both sides)
  • National ID card (both sides)
    (The one that applies to travel within the EU. Not the one issued by the Swedish Tax Agency)
  • Passport (post with photo)