
Transaction costs

Transaction costs

Paylando has a slightly different setup compared to when you buy other payment terminals. With terminals from Paylando, you receive payments periodically with a delay of 1-2 banking days. We help you bring down the transaction fee with the bank, and for most it lands at about 2% for a typical transaction. Unbeatable!

Process to get approved

We help you through the process to be approved by our bank partner Elavon.


It is tricky to make a direct comparison with other payment terminals because they often do not publish their fees until you are a customer. In addition, transaction fees are often dependent on individual price limits, which means that certain assumptions need to be made. With Paylando, there are as few intermediaries as possible, which is noticeable on the bottom line in increased earnings for you.

We do a calculation example with one of the other major players where we assume typical fees of SEK 150/month per payment terminal + SEK 56 (€5 bank fee) per month. Transaction fee 1% + extra 4% up to SEK 20, 3.5% between SEK 20-40 and 3% over SEK 40.

Say you have two payment terminals with a total turnover of SEK 20,000 per month. Per terminal, 222 purchases of goods costing SEK 15/piece, 111 purchases of goods costing SEK 30/piece and 67 purchases of goods costing SEK 50/piece are made. The monthly cost will be SEK 1,256.

If we compare with Paylando, assuming an average transaction fee of 2%, then the same monthly cost will be SEK 1,000. This means that you save SEK 256 per month or SEK 3,672 per year.



Card typesService charge in %Service fee per transaction in SEK
Visa Credit0,85%0,20
MasterCard Credit0,85%0,20
Visa Debit0,85%0,20
MasterCard Debit0,85%0,20
Visa V-Pay0,85%0,20
Maestro Domestic0,85%0,20
Maestro inom EEA0,85%0,20
Visa Business Credit1,95%
Visa Business Debit1,95%
Visa Purchasing1,95%
Visa Corporate1,95%
MasterCard Business1,95%
MasterCard Purchasing1,95%
MasterCard Fleet1,95%
MasterCard Corporate1,95%
MasterCard Prepaid Commercial1,95%
All Non-EEA Visa2,20%
All Non-EEA Mastercard/Maestro2,20%
Price, transactions with increased risk0,10%
* DCI/Discover3,00%
** JCB3,00%
*** Union Pay3,00%
Examples of transactions with increased risk:

  • a card that does not use a chip and PIN or contactless, e.g. magnetic stripe swipe,signature of the cardholder
  • a card not presented that is not secured by 3DS, e.g. 3DS not activated, telephone order, postal order
  • entering card numbers into the device or unknown data
  • the file is submitted 2 days or later after the card has been accepted

This price only applies to MasterCard/Maestro and Visa cards.

Non-EEA: All transactions involving card issuers and/or customers located outside the EEA.

* Diners includes Diners Consumer Credit, Diners Consumer Debit, Diners Commercial Credit, Diners Commercial Debit.

** JCB includes JCB Consumer Credit, JCB Consumer Debit, JCB Commercial Credit/Debit.

*** Union Pay includes Union Pay Consumer Debit, Union Pay Consumer Credit, Union Pay Commercial Debit, Union Pay Commercial Credit.

This price programme includes interchange and fees for card schemes.